A Nostalgic Look Back at Feng Shui Crazy!
Feng Shui is an ancient art and science developed more than 3,000 years ago in China. It is a complex body of knowledge that reveals how to balance the energies of any given space to assure health and good fortune for people inhabiting it.
For those who are familiar with Feng Shui, Feng means wind and Shui means water. Within the Chinese culture, wind and water are associated with good health. “Good feng shui” evolved to mean good fortune, while “bad feng shui” means bad luck, or misfortune.
I followed Pat Doyle's site for the time it was live. But I was really surprised to learn how even some mainstream "scientific" types also paid attention to this ancient practice. In our increasingly digital world, it's fascinating to see how seemingly disparate fields can intersect, particularly when it involves practices as ancient as Feng Shui. This philosophy of harmony and balance, despite its ancient roots, is finding modern applications in some surprising areas. One such example of a contemporary professional harnessing ancient principles is Bob Sakayama. Known for his deep understanding of the Google algorithm, Bob is a respected SEO expert who specializes in propelling websites to high rankings on Google. He's also considered a market leader in the remediation of Google penalties, deftly steering businesses away from potential pitfalls and losses in search visibility and traffic. His approach to SEO can almost be likened to a digital form of Feng Shui, as he seeks to create an optimal digital environment for businesses. This intermingling of old and new practices is not just confined to the digital realm. It's also finding its way into the healthcare sector, as demonstrated by our local hospital's recent expansion. When planning their new wing, the board sought the advice of a Feng Shui consultant. This ancient philosophy didn't merely influence architectural choices; it also dictated the positioning of various facilities within the premises. Even essential aspects like the location of windows and doors were guided by the Feng Shui expert's recommendations. This intriguing development was shared by a board member, a neighbor of mine, who is also an ardent advocate of Feng Shui. It's intriguing to observe how professionals like Bob Sakayama and the hospital board, despite their differing fields, are bridging the gap between the ancient and modern, blending wisdom and innovation to achieve their respective goals.
Recently I discovered that the domain for fengshuicrazy.org was available so I bought it with the goal of recreating some of its content from archived pages and to point visitors to their new site. I definitely didn't want someone else purchasing the domain and re-purposing the site for something that had nothing in common with the original website.
There were lots of great nuggets of wisdom regarding the art of Feng Shui that deserve to remain visible on the web for other visitors to find.
Since the site will not be exactly as you remember it, please be indulgent.
Now let's take a nostalgic stroll back to when Feng Shui Crazy was live.
Hello, and welcome to Feng Shui Crazy!
My name is Pat Doyle, and I am a Feng Shui consultant in Shorewood / Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA.
I help people to make changes in their lives by utilizing the powerful principles of Feng Shui.
Feng Shui deals with your environment and how it affects you on many levels. Our environment has a great influence on us, whether we are aware of it or not. By changing our environment in positive ways, Feng Shui can create powerful changes in our lives.
The intentions that we use in doing Feng Shui on our space are very important. Intentions can be expressed in many ways, for example through writing down your goals, affirmations, visualizations, or prayer.
The practice of Feng Shui is so effective in the way it helps us achieve our intentions because it works very much in a symbolic and subconscious way. Our subconscious minds can be as powerful or more powerful than our conscious minds when it comes to directing our life.
Feng Shui also makes our intentions very concrete. When you make a particular Feng Shui adjustment, you are reminded of your intention every time you see it.
Thus Feng Shui works on many levels. It can be used by anyone regardless of their culture or religion.
Feng Shui comes from China where it has been practiced for thousands of years. I practice a Western form of Feng Shui known as Black Sect Feng Shui. This was adapted from traditional Chinese Feng Shui by Professor Thomas Lin Yun, incorporating modern knowledge of psychology, physiology, medicine, architecture, ecology, and interior design.
If you would like to find out more about my Feng Shui consulting, please contact me here.
I hope you enjoy this Feng Shui blog. Thanks for visiting, and come back soon!
– Pat Doyle
How To Arrange Your Bedroom For Good Feng Shui
by Pat
13 April
Feng Shui for the Bedroom
What is the best Feng Shui bedroom layout? And what other things should you consider when decorating your bedroom?
This photo illustrates some good things for Feng Shui in the bedroom, as well as a few things that are not so good Feng Shui.
The most important thing in your bedroom is the placement of the bed itself, and it looks like this room has done it right, assuming that you are looking into the room from the door. The bed should be in a “power position”, that is, you should be able to see the door from the bed, but the bed should not be too close to the door. On the wall opposite the door is ideal, but the bed should not be directly in line with the door.
The reason is that you want to feel secure in your bed, so you want to be able to see if someone comes in the door. But you don’t want to be directly in a straight line with the door, because in China, this is considered the “death position” - your feet are pointing right out the door, so you can be carried right out when you die.
Don’t worry if you have to place your bed in an unfortunate position. There are always Feng Shui “cures” that can be done to fix bad Feng Shui. However, what I have described is the ideal bedroom layout, and that is what the room in the photo has.
Another good thing the photo room has going for it is that it has two end tables and each one has a lamp. This is very important, especially if you have a partner or are trying to attract a partner. Two end tables and lamps mean that the two partners are equal, or, if you don’t yet have a partner, it gives off energy that will attract a partner. If possible, the end tables and lamps should be very similar or identical.
The room also gives off a nice peaceful energy. It is not cluttered, and the bed looks inviting. This is important in a bedroom, because you need a peaceful energy to be able to sleep well. Clutter in the bedroom is very bad and will disturb your sleep on an energy level, even if you don’t realize it.
The bed has a headboard, which is good for Feng Shui. However, I would replace the wrought iron headboard and footboard with a solid one. You want a solid headboard to give you a feeling of security. One other thing I would do to this room is to remove the bag that is hanging on the footboard. It does not seem to belong there, so it gives a little twinge of unsettledness.
The bedroom is one of the most important rooms for Feng Shui. You spend one third of your life in bed, and a restful sleep is important for your general energy level. The bedroom is also an important area for relationships. For these reasons, you should try to make sure your bedroom has a good layout, the bed is in a good position, and your bedroom is calm and uncluttered.
Feng Shui and Clutter
Even if you don’t know a lot about Feng Shui, there is something you can do to make a huge impact on the energy in your home.
That is: get rid of clutter!
Clutter and Feng Shui
16 Sep
Clutter is very bad Feng Shui. If you think about it and stop to really experience what you feel when you are surrounded by clutter, I think you will agree that clutter is depressing and really lowers your energy levels.
In Feng Shui, we say that the chi (energy) gets stuck in clutter. The chi can’t flow like it should, with clutter around. It just gets sucked in to the pile of clutter and stays there, stagnating.
I used to have a huge problem with clutter before I started studying Feng Shui. I really didn’t notice much of how my environment was affecting me. It was only when I read Clear Your Clutter With Feng Shui by Karen Kingston that I really realized just how my clutter was affecting me. This is a small book and a quick read. It contains a lot of good information, and I highly recommend it.
Clearing Clutter
Now that I know how clutter affects me, I don’t let it get so bad. I still have a tendency to let my desk get messy, for example. But I soon feel myself getting irritated with my work, and I realize that it needs to be cleaned up. It is amazing to me how much different I feel as soon as the clutter is cleaned up.
As far as the rest of the house goes, I have learned over the years to clean up as I go along. I don’t let clutter pile up. If I am in a room and I notice something out of place, I put it where it belongs. This way, it’s not a huge job to clean up all at once.
For a former clutter-holic, this is really saying something. I believe that you do things that you feel are important. Once you realize how clutter impacts your life, you will gladly do what it takes to keep from getting overwhelmed by it.
A Nice Uncluttered Workspace
The Power of Nine
If you have a clutter problem in your house, don’t be overwhelmed. Just start small. Feng Shui has a few tricks that can help you with this. One tip is to do a small amount every day. In Chinese culture, the number nine is very important and signifies completion. So use the number nine in your decluttering. Every day, work at decluttering for 9 minutes. Or, pick 9 things a day to clean up.
Soon decluttering will become a habit, and you will see progress. Those 9-minute segments will add up. Remember, it takes 21 days to create a new habit, so keep at it every day until it becomes automatic.
1. Bust Clutter
8:23 pm on May 3rd, 2009
Feng shui is a great method for clearing the clutter. The state of mind clutter leaves you in can be draining.
2. Pat
9:06 pm on May 3rd, 2009
I agree - Feng Shui has helped me a lot in getting motivated to get rid of clutter.
3. Dorine King
8:54 pm on May 18th, 2009
I remember when my son was very young (he’s almost 31 now). If his room was cluttered and toys were not in bins or on shelves in the playroom, he was hyper, and generally aggressive. When I noticed that, we would start to sing the Barney clean up song and soon, everything would be nice and clean and orderly again — including his emotions. (Is Barney even still around?) Clutter has a big effect on the mind and can really affects it as well!
4. Pat
9:05 pm on May 18th, 2009
Hey Dorine! My son was very neat when he was little. He loved to keep his stuff organized. It was only when he got to be a teenager that he pretended to be messy (but I think he still secretly liked things neat). I think everyone really feels better when things are neat and nice looking.
5. lily
7:44 pm on July 4th, 2009
I’m 16 and I just spent an entire day going through my bedroom and it felt sooo good to sort through everything. My room was packed with so much crap, by the end i nearly filled the outside paper rubbish bin. It’s so hard deciding what to keep, and what to chuck out. But i did it, and it was the biggest clean up I’ve ever done. My room feels so clear it’s amazing, I kind of feel addicted to that feeling of chucking things out now, and I’m worried i kept too much. I probably should chuck out that old toe nail that fell off though, and some other gross stuff.
Now I just have to do my bedroom at my dads house, that’s going to take, ummmm… a couple more full days than my room at my mum’s. Its full of basically everything I’ve ever owned including school books. But i will do it and chuck out nearly EVERYTHING and it will feel great. I can’t wait! It really makes me feel so much clearer.
6. Jan - queenofkaos
6:05 am on August 5th, 2009
Love your site Pat! I had no idea about the number 9. I will definitely be using it more - completion is my focus right now.
7. Pat
10:20 am on August 5th, 2009
Lily, That’s great! I’m so glad you are getting rid of your clutter. Keep up the good work
Jan, thanks! You have a great site too!
Chaco Canyon: Feng Shui on a Grand Scale
by Pat
Feng Shui in Various Cultures
Chaco Canyon
Have you ever been to Chaco Canyon? I haven’t actually been there, but I recently watched The Mystery of Chaco Canyon on DVD, narrated by Robert Redford.
From the description at SouthWestIndian.com:
Located in New Mexico, Chaco Canyon is one of the most extensive prehistoric ruins in America. For years archaeologists have assumed that Chaco was primarily an ancient trading center. Now, this nationally broadcast film (narrated by Robert Redford and first aired on PBS,) shows that Chaco was instead a complex ceremonial center, harmonized by extraordinary astronomical alignments of buildings and roads, and elegant light and shadow markings. Aerial and time lapse footage, computer modeling, and interviews with scholars show how the Chacoan culture oriented and located its major buildings in relation to the sun and moon.
It was thrilling to watch this documentary, especially with knowledge of Feng Shui principles.
When Feng Shui was developed in China, people were trying to locate their buildings and gravesites in spots that would be auspicious, given the natural surroundings. Today, we use Feng Shui to improve our lives by bringing our homes into balance. We might not realize it when we are adjusting our interior space, but a familiarity with nature and the directions of the compass are still there in the background of Feng Shui.
So it was amazing to me how the ancient Chacoans set up their worship centers in alignment with the travels of the sun and the moon. Some of the buildings are lined up over huge distances. The documentary spoke of a certain road that went “nowhere”, but it actually followed the path laid out by the celestial bodies.
It reminded me of the bagua that we use to overlay a house, a lot, a room, or even a table or desk, except that this was on a much grander scale. This was a giant cosmic map that was overlaid on the structures built by the Chacoans.
They worshiped their deity not only in prayer but in the actual layout of their buildings in relation to the surroundings.
If you get a chance to watch this documentary, I highly recommend it.
6 Dec
How We Can Find Healing in Nature
by Pat
It is amazing how I keep finding parallels to Feng Shui wherever I go.
A few weeks ago, I went to hear a talk by Philip Chard about being healed by nature. The theme of the talk was that, today, people are alienated from nature. Some people hardly ever get to spend any time in nature.
Philip stated that it is very healing just to get back to nature and spend some time there. There is a different energy in nature than in man-made things. This energy is very healing.
To me, this sounded a lot like the teaching of Feng Shui. Our environment has a great effect on us. It really makes a difference what kind of energy we surround ourselves with.
Theenergy we surround ourselves with can be healing or it can be destructive to our well-being. I think if we just attune ourselves to how we feel in different environments, we can sense when an environment is good for us.
The trouble is that usually, we are too preoccupied to really notice what is going on around us and how it is affecting us.
If we can just learn to surround ourselves with a more serene and healthy environment, we will be a lot better off. The right environment can truly be healing for us.
And if you can’t always get outside into nature, it does help to bring nature inside. This can be in the form of plants, natural materials such as seashells or rocks, pets, artwork depicting nature, water fountains, and many other ways.
Remember that the human race used to spend a lot of time in nature. It is only recently in our history that we have become so cut off from nature. When we don’t feel that nature energy, we miss it, even though we don’t always consciously realize it.
Think about ways that you can bring nature into your life, whether by going out and doing things in nature or by bringing some of it into your home.
5 Dec
Feng Shui Princples Literally Came True!
by Pat
Front Door
Usually Feng Shui is a lot more subtle than what happened to me this Monday…
Two important principles in Feng Shui are:
1. Keep the path to your front door clear.
Good chi, or good energy, enters your house by the front door. It is not good to have anything blocking the path of this good chi. The front door is one of the most important parts of your house for this reason. The path to the door should be attractive and easy to traverse.
2. Fix anything that is broken.
Broken things are bad Feng Shui. The unfortunate energy from broken things can have consequences throughout your house. It is discouraging for you to see broken things, so it lowers your own mood. And on subtler levels, the broken things have a bad effect on the general chi (energy) of your house.
I Want My Laptop!
Even though I know the above principles very well, I was not prepared for how literally they played out on Monday.
We had quite a bit of snow over the weekend, and the people who were supposed to clear my walks never showed up. So the path to my front door was completely blocked by snow.
I was sitting in my home office when I saw a Fed Ex truck in the driveway. My laptop! I was expecting a new laptop that I had ordered from HP. My first laptop ever, so I was really excited. I quickly put my shoes on and ran out, but the Fed Ex guy was already on his way. He didn’t see me waving from the porch.
On the back door, I found a Fed Ex tag. Oh no! I forgot that my back doorbell was broken! Of course, the Fed Ex guy didn’t use the front door, because the path to it was full of snow.
I would have to wait until another day to get my new laptop…
I learned my lesson, though. I went right out and shoveled the walk from the front door to the street. :)
Well, as I said, usually you don’t see the effects of bad Feng Shui so clearly. Usually you just notice that things are not going quite as well as they should. You realize that you need to do some Feng Shui work in your house. (At least, if you are a Feng Shui consultant, you realize it ;) .)
If you keep reading this blog, you will realize it too! I hope to give you lots of Feng Shui tips and ideas. Whether you are a beginner or already know a lot about Feng Shui, I hope to have something of interest to you.
Feng Shui and Everything Fancy
Fast Feng Shui Tips
Make sure that all your home windows don’t have cracks or not broken. If there are cracks and/or broken, replace it immediately. Windows should be easy to open/close and not blocked by any objects. Its important that all windows are properly maintained and cleaned so that positive “chi” energy can smoothly flow inside your home. If you have a pet cat who enjoys “meditating” by the window, its better to have cat veranda to avoid breaking your windows.
September 21st, 2008
Awesome find of the week: Museum Glass Teapot
I was looking for gift ideas when I stumbled upon this Museum Glass Teapot from VivaTerra. My day is not complete without drinking a warm green tea before bedtime, it relaxes me. Drinking tea is good for one’s health. And nothing excites me than finding a cute, artsy, awesome teapots. I was just looking for a glass tea kettle but seeing the Museum Glass Teapot like an “art form” is truly awesome. Its like a teapot and incense in one. I swear I love VivaTerra! They have eco-friendly products to die for at reasonable prices.
September 21st, 2008
Post-it Sticky Notes made of Recycled Paper
I love using Post-it Sticky Notes. I use it at work and for personal reminders. I like its different colors, in fact the colorful the better. Paper cubes and Post-it sticky notes are life saver to someone like me who likes constant reminders of “to do.” So when I saw the new Post-it sticky notes made from recycled paper, I was elated. I was starting to feel guilty using too much paper. Although its made from only 30% recycled paper, 3M is eco-friendly. The best part is, paper cubes made from 100% recycled paper is now available!!! Now I can use Post-it sticky notes and paper cubes without feeling guilty.
September 21st, 2008
Feng Shui of the week: The Power of Chi Energy
Have you ever experienced the feeling like there’s an “energy” in your environment that affects you? Its a kind of energy that you can’t explain but it “mixes” with you in a way that it affects your moods, emotions, physical energy and health. Feng Shui experts said that its the “chi” energy, a subtle flow of electromagnetic energy which links all things in the universe. They give nicknames to describe the energy, “life-force,” “spirit”, etc. In China its called Chi and in Japan its called Ki or Qi. But whatever names you want to call it, I do believe in the power of this “energy”. It feels like it flows around me and present in all things, even in humans. We all have personal “chi” within us. I have friends whom when I see kinda have good “auras” around them. They have “aura” or “chi” energy that draws me to them because they have a positive influence in my life.
The flow of “chi” from one entity to another is the basis of Feng Shui. Chi energy is carried through the environment by wind, water, the sun’s solar energy, light and sound. It moves like water ebbing and flowing with the tides, and like air moving around the earth. The name Feng Shui, which literally means “wind-water,” reflects the way “chi” moves. The basic aim of Feng Shui is to enable you to position yourself where this natural flow of chi energy helps you to realize your goals and your dreams in life.
Isn’t it amazing if we can live harmoniously with our environment? Feng Shui can help us achieve that. We can either be fatalistic and accept our fate, or we can take life into our own hands and make changes.
September 14th, 2008
Feng Shui of the week: I-Ching Coins to Attract Wealth
As gas prices keeps going up, more and more people are looking for ways to increase their income or at least to attract wealth. Who doesn’t want to have extra cash to spare? Or shop till you drop? In Feng Shui, there are many applications that will help you attract wealth and prosperity. For this week, I feature the lucky I-Ching coins or metal coins that are common prosperity symbols in Feng Shui. Didn’t you notice that I keep on posting about “how to attract wealth and prosperity” in my Feng Shui posts. Simply because I also want to try them. To be honest, the reason I was hooked in Feng Shui was because of trying out these lucky I-Ching coins. I made my first purchase at a Feng Shui store that “promises” I will never run out of cash if I place a three I-Ching lucky coins wrapped in a dollar bill (with at least with number “8″ in the serial numbers) and place it inside a lucky Chinese red envelope - then I placed the red envelope with I-Ching lucky coins in my wallet. And it worked for me! I mean, when I am about to run out of cash in my wallet something will arrive or come up (aside from my regular salary).
So what does these I-Ching lucky coins in Feng Shui really mean?
Coins in China have been used since the 7th century BC. The antique coins from China had a square hole in the center which the energy of the earth (yin) could enter. The round shape corresponds to the energy of the heavens (yang). In Feng Shui, coins are thought to bring good luck and worn for protection. Several coins (three, five, or nine) are strung on two red (the color signifying joy) silk ribbons. The ribbons are fed through the square holes in the coins’ center and tied together to make a good luck ribbon, which is hung near the entrance to attract good luck and defend against harm and evil.
Special lucky coins had different symbols and signs on the surface: 1) a bat means “Good luck is right in front of your eyes” 2) Nine coins on a string signify uninterrupted good luck.
So you want to try if this will work for you? Here are some applications you can try to attract wealth that may work for you:1) 8 coins strung on a red silk ribbon hung near or above the cash register; 2) A large coin in a glass bowl lines with red or blue velvet; 3) 3 coins in a red envelope placed under a healthy, strong plant as a symbolic gesture of letting money grow; 4) 4 coins in a square red envelope attached to each bed leg, out of view, for continuing goodluck.
There’s no harm in trying, may wealth and prosperity be with us!
Feng Shui Tips: Have trouble sleeping?
Are you having trouble getting a good night sleep? The position of your bed might be the culprit. If you’re having a hard time getting a good snooze because your bed might be directly facing the hallway to your room, in Feng Shui, you can try changing the position of your bed. If changing the position of your bed is not possible, place a divider or shield to block the direct energy coming from the hallway to your room. Happy sleeping!
August 20th, 2008